S. Korean FM meets Chinese counterpart Wang Yi; Wang to visit President Moon Jae-in

2020-11-26 5 Dailymotion

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오늘 강경화-왕이 한중 외교장관회담...오후엔 문 대통령 예방

South Korean foreign minister Kang Kyung-wha has been meeting with her Chinese counterpart Wang Yi in Seoul.
And China's top diplomat is going to meet President Moon in the coming hours.
For more, we have our foreign affairs correspondent Yoon Jung-min live at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Jung-min, what are you hearing?
South Korean foreign minister Kang Kyung-wha is meeting with her Chinese counterpart Wang Yi.
It's first time in around a year that they have held a face-to-face meeting.
Here's what they had to say.
"Based on our common will to continue the development of our bilateral relationship, today, I expect to exchange views with Minister Wang to reinforce our strategic partnership as we mark 30 years of diplomatic relations in 2022."
"Our visit to South Korea amid the pandemic shows the importance of Sino-Korean ties. I hope to talk about exchanges between the two countries on various issues, and have a strategic communication on regional and international issues with Minister Kang today."
During their meeting, sources say they are discussing working together on COVID-19, economic cooperation,... and matters on the Korean Peninsula.
Also on the agenda are regional and global issues.
The Chinese top diplomat's visits to Seoul and Tokyo this week,... come at a crucial time when the U.S. is in the middle of a changing of administration.
It's highly likely that the two ministers also exchanged views on a possible visit to South Korea by Chinese President Xi Jinping.
Earlier, the Chinese ambassador to Seoul, Xing Haiming said South Korea will be the first country President Xi visits when the pandemic situation stabilizes.
And what's Wang's schedule for the rest of the day?
The Chinese foreign minister will visit the Blue House this afternoon,... to meet South Korean President Moon Jae-in.
Likely on the agenda,... is that possible visit to South Korea by Chinese President Xi Jinping,... and a potential trilateral summit between South Korea, China, and Japan.
Eyes are on whether Wang will bring a message from President Xi.
During his trip to Japan, Wang delivered President Xi's message of cooperation with Tokyo to Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga.
Wang could also bring up the recent U.S.-China tensions,... and Seoul-Beijing cooperation on COVID-19.
Another issue likely to be discussed is the Korean peace process.
Wang is leaving Seoul on Friday,... and while here, he's also expected to meet some key figures and lawmakers from the ruling party.
Back to you, Mark.