2 military planes to return from COVID-hit Iraq with 300 S. Korean citizens

2020-07-23 8 Dailymotion

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이라크 근로자 290여명 공중급유기로 오늘 귀국... 정부, 마스크 5만장 전달

Two South Korean military planes sent to Iraq to bring back 300 South Koreans are set to arrive at Incheon International Airport in a couple of hours from now.
The KC-330 air refueling tankers left for Iraq on Thursday with four medical staff and four quarantine officials onboard.
The government sent military planes because it takes two weeks to prepare civilian aircraft.
With the rescue planes,... Seoul also sent 50-thousand face masks to Iraq.
Upon their return, the South Koreans who show symptoms will be tested at the airport, and those without symptoms will be tested after they are sent to temporary accommodation.
Those who test positive will be sent to medical facilities.
The rest will be put into a 14-day quarantine at designated facilities.