2020-07-08 4 Dailymotion

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Below are a compilation of 42 of his greatest inspirational quotes to keep your motivational at an all time high:

1. “Be willing to go all out, in pursuit of your dream. Ultimately it will pay off. You are more powerful than you think you are. Go for it.”

2. “It has been said,most people die at age 25 and don’t get buried until they are 65.Make an effort to live your life to the fullest.”

3. “Listen to yourself the voice that’s in your Heart not your head,it will lead you to your Goal.”

4. “There are three ingredients in the good life: learning, earning and yearning.”

5. “You have to be willing to allow the person you are today to DIE so that you can give birth to the person you are meant to become.”

6. “Other people’s opinion of you does not have to become your reality.”

7. “You don’t have to be great to get started, but you have to get started to be great.”

8. “Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears.”

9. “Life has no limitations, except the ones you make.”

11. “The graveyard is the richest place on earth, because it is here that you will find all the hopes and dreams that were never fulfilled, the books that were never written, the songs that were never sung, the inventions that were never shared, the cures that were never discovered, all because someone was too afraid to take that first step, keep with the problem, or determined to carry out their dream.”

12. “The greatest revenge is massive success.”

13. “Live out of your imagination instead of out of your memory.”

14. “Most people fail in life not because they aim too high and miss, but because they aim too low and hit.”

15. “Just because Fate doesn’t deal you the right cards, it doesn’t mean you should give up. It just means you have to play the cards you get to their maximum potential.”

16. “Align yourself with people that you can learn from, people who want more out of life, people who are stretching and searching and seeking some higher ground in life.”

17. “I will heighten my life by helping others heighten theirs.”

18. “Perfection does not exist — you can always do better and you can always grow.”

19. “Forgive yourself for your faults and your mistakes and move on.”

21. “No one rises to low expectations.”

22. “Our ability to handle life’s challenges is a measure of our strength of character.”

23. “A friend who is far away is sometimes much nearer than one who is at hand.”

24. “Accept responsibility for your life. Know that it is you who will get you where you want to go, no one else.”

25. “Make sure when you fall you land on your back if you can look up you can get up.”