Fatalities from COVID-19 Rising Rapidly in UK, Spain; Clinical Trials for Treatment to Get Underway

2020-04-02 1 Dailymotion

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영국, 유럽 현지 상황... 가디언지 보건의학전문기자 David Cox

More than 900-thousand people have contracted the novel coronavirus globally as countries intensify efforts to control spread of the pandemic.
Spain, the United Kingdom and the United States have all reported the highest number of deaths in a single day since the start of the coronavirus pandemic.
Joining us live from Cambridge is health journalist and a neuroscientist himself, David Cox.
David, thanks so much for linking up with us.
In the UK, a further 563 people died from COVID-19, in what Prime Minister Boris Johnson described as a "sad, sad day." What's the latest there?
Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Prince Charles have both tested positive for COVID-19. How are they doing?
Making an online address on Twitter Wednesday, Johnson said testing was the key to solving the epidemic in the U.K.
There are two tests for coronavirus: one tests for antigens, which are produced by the body in response to a coronavirus infection and show if an individual has the virus; the other, an antibody test, shows whether an individual has been exposed to the virus, and has developed immunity to it.
How the UK is looking to ramp up antibody testing?
What about Spain and Italy? We've known for some time that Italy has been hit particularly hard by this virus but, why are deaths rising so quickly in Spain?
What are some treatment options that are being discussed? The FDA in the U.S. has fast-tracked anti-malarial drugs for use against COVID-19. I know there are some concerns about this. Are there any others being discussed?
David Cox live for us from Cambridge this evening. Thank you, David. Stay safe.