Hafiz Metin Demirtas. Cuma namazi hutbe öncesi. Ahzab suresi, ayet 56. Kopenhag Kocatepe Camii. Arap agzi Kuran. Peygambere salat ve selam. Arap makami Kuran. Müthis kiraat Arap makami Kuran. seyh Abdussamed taklit. Sheikh Abdussamed. Kuran dinle.9-6-2017

2017-07-01 13 Dailymotion

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Hafız Metin Demiraş. Kuran tilaveti. Ahzab suresi, 56.
Kopenhag Kocatepe Camii. 9/6 - 2017.
Arap ağzı, Mısır şivesi Şeyh Abdulbasit Abdussamed makamı.

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Facebook.com (Metin Demirtaş EKA) yazıp bu adresimizdende beni takip edebilirsiniz.

Qur'ân recitation, Surah Al Ahzab, Ayah 56.
Copenhagen Bigmosque of Diyanet "Kocatepe Camii" (Turkish mosque). 9/6 - 2017.
By Qari Abdelmetin Demirtas.

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Follow me on Youtube and İnstagram by writing "Metin Demirtaş Kuran"
And from my personal homepage on facebook.com.

The target group for my homepage is mostly fans of listening of my tilawah Al- Qur'ân and my Adhans of Makkah and Madinah.

قرآن تلاوة السورة الاحزاب، ءاية ٥٦. تقليد لشيخ عبدالباسط عبدالصمد،