Support for Syrian Refugee Children in the Balkans and Child Protection against human Trafficking

2016-08-19 21 Dailymotion

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Statement by Katerina Koneska – Programme manager of First Children’s embassy in the World Megjashi about the activities within the project “Support for Syrian Refugee Children in the Balkans''. The objectives of the project are to raise the public awareness on the needs and problems of these children and their families are facing with. The other aim of the project is to fulfill the fundamental needs of the Syrian refugee children, and the children from other conflict areas. During our activities we will also distribute 25 humanitarian aid packages to unaccompanied children from Syria and other war-affected areas.
We have conducted art and educational workshops for the children in the transit center Tabanovce once per week. Art encourages open-ended thinking that creates an environment of questions rather than answers, which makes it educational, as well. Children whose creativity is nurtured are curious and inspired to learn more. Art strengthens focus and increases attention, develops hand-eye co-ordination, requires practice and strategic thinking and involves interacting with the material world through different tools.
During the interview, Koneska also explained the activities that Children’s embassy Megjashi has implemented within the regional project “SE Europe Transnational CSO Coalition for Women and Child Protection against human Trafficking and Gender based Violence – STOP”. Those activities are implemented in cooperation with the Roma Center for Democracy (form Serbia) as a lead partner, Center for Peace and Tolerance (Kosovo); Vive Zene (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Partnere per femijet (Albania) and Institute for Research and Social Innovation IMPACT (Macedonia). The project is funded by the European Union under the Civil Society Facility and Media Programme 2014-2015.