Putin crushes CNN smartass Fareed Zakaria on Donald Trump and US elections

2016-07-21 7 Dailymotion

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no murder or violence? is it just me or did everyone forget about the crusades? religion is the CAUSE of most violence. and the number 1 reason for war in the past 1000 years is fucking religion. look at the middle east, theyve been at war 10 times more than they have been at peace, and thats the most religious part of the world. if you ask me, all religions that believe in some bs upper being, should be removed from society. science has already proved how the universe began.
Fareed Zakaria, as a host on CNN, is known to misquote Putin as well as misrepresent Russia's intentions to the world. At the St Petersburg Economic Forum 2016, Zakaria wasn't going to get away wit.pu