Hetimet për vrasjen e Sakos - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 8 Dailymotion

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Policia e Tiranes ka marre ne pyetje dhjetera persona, ne perpjekje per te hedhur drite mbi atentatin mafioz te mbremjes se djeshme, ku u vra shtetasi Admirim Sako.
Deri me tani, per krimin e rende jane te dyshuar dy persona. Sipas policise, ata i kane zene prite biznesmenit Sako ne tunelin e pallateve prane gjykates se Tiranes dhe e kane qelluar disa here me pistolete me silenciator. Pista kryesore e hetimeve eshte ajo e lidhjeve te viktimes me shtetasin Elton Deliu, pasi ai ka qene shofer dhe shok i ngushte i tij. Deliu eshte vrare brenda ne banese se bashku me nenen e tij, ne vitin 2008. Ndersa dy muaj me pare, prokuroria kerkoi sekuestrimin e pronave, duke i quajtur ato si te perfituara nga te ardhura kriminale. Qe nga vdekja e Deliut e deri pak kohe me pare, keto prona ne vlere mbi 3 milione euro administroheshin nga viktima Admirim Sako dhe ish-bashkejetuesja e Deliut.

Tirana police questioned dozens of people, in an attempt to shed light on the assassination mafia evening yesterday, where he was killed Sako admiration citizen.
Until now, for serious crime are two suspects. According to police, they have to ambush Sako businessman in tunnel near Tirana court palaces and fired several times with pistol with a silencer. Main track of the investigation is that of victim connections with Elton Deliu citizen, because he was the driver and his close friend. Deliu was killed inside the house along with his mother, in 2008. While two months ago, the prosecution asked for the seizure of property, calling them as income derived from crime. Deliu death until a little while ago, these properties amounting to over 3 million euros administered by Sako admiration victims and former partner of Deliu.