Romance Joke: Tom McClain Tells Romance Jokes! - Stand Up Comedy

2014-12-15 26 Dailymotion

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Tom McClain tells romance jokes. Get your daily dose of great Stand Up Comedy @ StandUpBits - PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL!

If you want some funny romance jokes, Tom McClain is the guy to ask. He is a romantic guy, as he explains, but being romantic can definitely have some funny things a result he tells some funny romance jokes. Romance jokes probably are hard to pull off, I am not sure, since I am not romantic and have never told a romance joke in my life. The fact that I have never told a romance joke does not mean that I can't laugh at romance jokes, that's why this works so well for me. At one point, I would've liked to think that I was romantic, but it turns out it was joke romance. When I say joke romance, I mean fake...I wasn't really romantic, I just thought I was...the girl never thought so. Instead of long walks on the beach, we would do long runs on the beach. Girls love guys who are romantic, and they also love guys who are hilarious, so maybe telling jokes romance like might be the way to go. I might have to take Tom's course of action and tell jokes romance people would like...maybe it will help me be more romantic. Whatever the case is, I need some jokes about romance, so if any one has some funny jokes about romance feel free to write it down in the comment box...Tom's stuff is great in itself. For more hilarious stand up comedy, please subscribe to StandUpBits! And increase your daily funny.