Korean Jokes: Claude Stuart Jokes About Korea! - Stand Up Comedy

2014-12-15 25 Dailymotion

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Claude Stuart jokes about Korea. Get your daily dose of great Stand Up Comedy @ StandUpBits - PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL!

It must be very difficult to tell jokes about Korea in Korea. Korean jokes by a Korean are almost unheard of. Well good thing Claude Stuart isn't Korean, because he is able to tell a pretty Korea joke in this bit. Korea jokes are very big right now, Korea jokes actually may be sweeping the nation faster than Gangam style did. Did you guys know that there are two Koreas? I can't tell which Korea is the joke Korea, and which Korea is the non joke Korea. Whichever the case is, I am sure that Korean's can be very funny, but are just suppressed to not tell jokes Korea would like. I'm sure that Claude's jokes Korea would hate...and when I say Korea, I mean Kim Jung Un. That was a Korea joke, because we all know he tells jokes about Korea all the time to Dennis Rodman. Korean jokes can be funny, but you always have to be careful where you tell your Korean joke, because telling your Korean joke in Korea is not a good idea, good thing for Claude, he's in America telling these jokes so we will probably see him again. For more hilarious comedy, please subscribe to StandUpBits! And increase your daily funny.