Animal Jokes: Eddie Pence Tells Funny Animal Jokes! - Stand Up Comedy

2014-12-15 21 Dailymotion

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Eddie Pence tells funny animal jokes. Get your daily dose of great Stand Up Comedy @ StandUpBits - PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL!

Eddie Pence tells multiple animal jokes in this bit, but I love the animal joke about giraffes. I don't know why I love his animal joke about giraffes, maybe it has to do with one of my friends who reminds me of a giraffe. We always gave my friend so many animal jokes back in the day, and he would get so mad, until he realized that giraffes were actually awesome animals...way better than what I would get mistaken for...a panda. We had the joke animal crew in high school, which was filled with joke animal kids who thought they were cool, we had the giraffe, the panda, the turtle, the pig, and the dog...the kid who was the dog didn't really look like a dog, we just called him the dog because he acted like a dog. We were a comedic group and we thought that we could tell jokes animal people would love, it turned out that the jokes animal people got ended up getting offended and called PETA on us. I guess we shouldn't be telling jokes about animal to animal people, because they will get all defensive. However, Eddie Pence probably could get away with telling jokes about animal to animal people...he does a great job at telling funny animal jokes in this bit. Maybe if we told funny animal jokes we would've gotten a different reaction. I don't believe our animal jokes funny...sorry about my bad grammar, I just like to break rules occasionally. I'm kind of a bad ass. I like my animal jokes funny, just like a lot of people. For more hilarious stand up comedy, please subscribe to StandUpBits!