Netanyahu warns Gazans after Israel destroys 13-story building

2014-08-24 40 Dailymotion

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An Israeli airstrike, Saturday, on a 13-story apartment block in Gaza City....

The attack wounded 17 people and takes the war in Gaza - now in its seventh week -- to a new level.

Israel had warned residents to evacuate the building, which it said housed a Hamas command center.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is warning Palestinian civilians that more strikes could be coming.


"Hamas will pay and pay heavily for its crimes. I call on the inhabitants of Gaza to evacuate immediately every site from which Hamas is carrying out terrorist activity. Every one of these places is a target for us."

His tough talk may indicate a move towards bolder strikes in Gaza's densely populated neighborhoods.

But for residents of the apartment block, the immediate problem is salvaging their belongings in the massive pile of rubble that used to be their home.

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