How People Use Technology to Control the Weather

2014-05-11 60 Dailymotion

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Over the years, humans have tried many different methods to control the weather from primitive rain dances to advanced laser technology. Seeding is a method used for controlling the weather where certain crystals are sent into the air causing water particles to condense and fall as precipitation.

Over the years, humans have tried many different methods to control the weather from primitive rain dances to advanced laser technology.

Seeding is a method used for controlling the weather where certain crystals are sent into the air causing water particles to condense and fall as precipitation.

For example, in 2008, Chinese authorities in Beijing shot eleven hundred rockets into the atmosphere to divert rainstorm cloud activity during the opening ceremony of the Olympics, and it worked.

Another method for weather control was created by Jerome Kasparian, a researcher from the University of Geneva in Switzerland who claimed to have created a way to make it cloudy using laser technology.

The lasers remove electrons from atoms in the air, which creates positively charged particles that create a seed for ice and rain drops to grow around.

Kasparian only tested the laser technology in the lab, so critics are skeptical as to whether or not it would actually be able to control weather in nature.

Other ideas that people have had in an effort to control the weather include building walls in tornado alley to block the wind, or dumping oil into the ocean to prevent hurricanes.

Another controversial weather technology called the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program reportedly sent electromagnetic wave radiation into the ionospere. The project’s current status is unclear and conspiracy theories abound.