Religious discrimination in America: man sues community college for rejecting him over his faith

2014-04-30 1 Dailymotion

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Back in 2013, Maryland man Brandon Jenkins had the reasonable goal of attending community college to become a radiation therapy technician. He applied to the Community College of Baltimore County for the fall 2013 semester, for which there were 24 open slots.

Jenkins got the maximum score during his period of observation, making him a competitive candidate. But when the interviewer asked "What's the most important thing to you?" He replied, "My God."

Wrong answer, apparently. Weeks later, Jenkins was informed he'd been rejected. When he asked why, program director Adrienne Dougherty, said it was because he mentioned god in the interview.

She explained "This field is not the place for religion," and "We have many patients who come to us for treatment from many different religions and some who believe in nothing. If you interview in the future, you may want to leave your thoughts and beliefs out of the interview process."

Now THAT is a wrong answer! Jenkins and lawyers from the ACLJ have filed a discrimination suit against the community college. Although director Dougherty cited other reasons why Jenkins was rejected in her email, such as a 10 year old theft and drug charge, specifying somebody's faith as a reason to reject them kind of runs afoul of the First amendment.

Maybe Dougherty should go back to community college.


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