In one recent sticky situation, a section of Interstate 75 in Forsyth, Georgia was a mess after a big rig encountered a tire blow out. The heavy vehicle had been hauling a trailer full of bee hives, which spilled all over the highway.
Seeing a swarm of bees on the loose is a nightmare scenario for many.
In one recent sticky situation, a section of Interstate 75 in Forsyth, Georgia was a mess after a big rig encountered a tire blow out.
The heavy vehicle had been hauling a trailer full of bee hives. After the tire failure and subsequent crash, the road was littered with broken boxes carrying the hives and honeycombs.
Highway crews arrived on scene to clean up the mess. Their main goal was to move the boxes off the road to the surrounding grass so motorists could pass through.
Beekeepers also responded to the highway to help control the bees. A lot of time was spent removing the honeycombs from the hives to preserves the bees’ homes.
Traffic was halted for a number of hours while the initial cleanup efforts were completed. Two lanes were shutdown during the process.
The Monroe County Emergency Agency Director estimated the bee count to be in the millions, referring to the incident as the most bees he had ever witnessed in his life.