Outcome-Based Education in Engineering: What You Need to Know #OBE #engineering #highereducation

2024-08-17 3 0 35 YouTube

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The Washington Accord is an international agreement that recognizes the equivalency of engineering degree programs accredited by the signatory bodies, which are responsible for engineering education quality assurance in their respective countries. The main objective of the Washington Accord is to ensure that engineering graduates from accredited programs are qualified to practice engineering at a professional level. OBE (Outcome-Based Education) System: The Washington Accord emphasizes Outcome-Based Education (OBE) for engineering programs. OBE focuses on what students are expected to know, understand, and be able to do after completing a program. The OBE system defines specific outcomes, such as knowledge, skills, and attitudes that graduates must demonstrate. Engineering programs are required to continuously assess and improve their curriculum, teaching methods, and student performance to ensure that these outcomes are met. Implementation of OBE in Accord with the Washington Accord: Curriculum Design: Engineering programs must align their curricula with the defined outcomes, focusing on the skills and knowledge that students should acquire. Assessment and Evaluation: Regular assessment methods, such as exams, projects, and presentations, are used to measure whether students meet the desired outcomes. Continuous Improvement: Programs are required to have a system in place for continuous improvement based on the assessment results, ensuring that the program evolves and maintains its quality. Accreditation: Engineering programs are accredited by recognized bodies, such as the Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) in Pakistan, which assess whether the program meets the standards set by the Washington Accord. Significance for Pakistan: Pakistan, through the Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC), is a signatory of the Washington Accord, meaning that engineering degrees accredited by PEC are recognized in other signatory countries. This recognition facilitates the mobility of engineers between countries and enhances the international employability of graduates from accredited engineering programs in Pakistan.