Resep AYAM GORENG Favorit Keluarga: 5 Bahan Saja, Rasa Bintang 5!

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***English description is at the bottom section.*** Matikan subtitle: Settings - Subtitle/CC - Off 00:00 : intro 00:55 : persiapan bahan (prepping the ingredients) 01:53 : potong ayam (chopping the chicken) 02:32 : marinasi ayam (marinating the chicken) 04:24 : membuat sambal tomat (making Tomato Sambal) 06:55 : goreng ayam (frying the chicken) 07:34 : hidangan siap dan serving (the dish is ready to serve) #ResepAyamGoreng #ResepSambalTomat #ResepDevinaHermawan =================== [INDONESIAN] Resep Ayam Goreng 5 Bahan (untuk 6-7 porsi) Bahan: 1 ekor ayam negeri utuh 2 sdm cuka beras /1 sdm cuka meja 8 siung bawang putih halus 9 ½ sdm tepung tapioka 1-2 sdm kaldu ayam bubuk Sambal tomat: 12 siung bawang merah, belah dua 2-3 buah tomat, potong 20 buah cabai rawit merah, belah dua 1 sdm gula ¾ sdt garam ½ sdt penyedap Minyak untuk menumis Minyak untuk menggoreng Langkah: 1. Potong ayam menjadi 14 bagian, lalu marinasi ayam dengan bawang putih halus, kaldu ayam, cuka, dan tepung tapioka, aduk, tutup dengan plastic wrap, diamkan minimal 30 menit 2. Panaskan minyak, goreng ayam di api besar dulu lalu api sedang-kecil hingga kecokelatan, tiriskan 3. Untuk sambal, panaskan minyak, tumis bawang merah dan cabai rawit, masak hingga wangi dan lunak, pindahkan ke dalam ulekan, beri garam, gula, dan penyedap, haluskan 4. Di wajan yang sama, goreng tomat hingga lunak, lalu haluskan kembali bersama bawang merah dan cabai rawit, masak kembali hingga minyak keluar 5. Ayam goreng siap disajikan Jangan lupa cek Instagram @DUSDUSAN Instagram: Website: =================== [ENGLISH] 5-Ingredient Fried Chicken Recipe (yield: 6-7 servings) Ingredients: 1 pc whole broiler 2 tbsp rice vinegar / 1 tbsp regular vinegar 8 clove garlic, minced 9.5 tbsp tapioca flour 1-2 tbsp chicken powder Tomato Sambal: 12 pc shallot, halved 2-3 pc tomato, sliced 20 pc red bird’s eye chili, halved 1 tbsp sugar ¾ tsp salt ½ tsp flavor enhancer Oil for stir-frying Oil for frying Steps: 1. Chop the chicken into 14 pieces. Marinate it with minced garlic, chicken powder, vinegar, and tapioca flour. Mix and cover with a plastic wrap. Marinate for at least 30 minutes. 2. Heat the oil and fry the chicken on high heat first, then lower to medium-low heat until browned. Set aside. 3. For the Sambal, heat the oil and stir-fry the shallots and bird’s eye chili until fragrant and soft. Transfer to a stone bowl. Season with salt, sugar, and flavor enhancer. Mash. 4. In the same pan, stir-fry the tomatoes until soft. Then, mash with the shallots and bird’s eye chili. Sauté until oily. 5. Fried Chicken is ready to serve. =================== Official Site: Instagram: Business inquiries: Don’t reupload our content but you can share our videos. Production 2021 © Copyrights by Devina Hermawan.