Ugh, early-mid game was a bit slow, but decent late game. Huge time saves from Tyrant reroute and new Pantheon strats. Frequently Asked Questions: Q: Do you play on a controller or a keyboard? A: Keyboard (Mechanical) Q: Why do you open your inventory while falling? A: Increases falling speed + Removes hardfalls. Q: Weren't inventory drops removed?? A: Not entirely, they're just way more precise. You can only do them as you fall off a ledge. That's why you'll see me use other ways to drop faster, like cyclone drops and dives. Q: Why is the game in Chinese? A: Faster text scroll + Less letters in general, saves a good amount of time. Q: Why are there 2 timers? A: The lower one is for time without game loading times (loadless), upper one is real time (RTA). Q: Isn't the Pantheon of Hallownest optional? A: The category is 112% All Bosses*, which makes it required. *It's impossible to actually do all bosses with the same save file without returning to it after credits, so we do kinda skip original Hollow Knight and Radiance. Q: What charms is he using?? A: Colosseum: 2:13:08 Pantheons: 2:53:30 Twitch: Hollow Knight on : Hollow Knight's Discord Server: